Angry Log 2006 Kiting WD on 3/31/06
Kiting Chapin on 1/21/06
Angry Log 2005
Angry Log 2004
Angry Log 2003
Angry Pics 2003
Date Location K/W/S Weapons Description Outing
01/21/2006 Chapin Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Luke, Peter, Brian, Phil, Todd, Goldfish. Just like last year, the first session of the year is at Chapin. Mid to low-tide, sunny, warm = no gloves. Very nice new gear! Slingshot has done it again! Thanks for the pics Goldsfish!
03/23/2006 Corp Kite Fuel 15, SRT 5'11" Peter & Jerry got the wind. I tried but couldn't do much. 1st time on the surfboard! 4 tacks and swim it home. Water not too bad. Sunny and relatively warm...Spring IS here!
03/26/2006 Mayflower Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Todd, Peter K. Enough to get some power on the tack out. Water doesn't feel that bad, surprisingly. Cancelled the 5th line, just too much junk on the bar. Figured out a retro for the 5th...may try it if I find the time.
03/31/2006 WD Kite Fuel 15, Cabal 51, Misfit 127 Jeff K. Rod, Jay, Tad, Stevo, Dennis, Goldfish, Todd, Ted. Nice day, no gloves. Wind light at 1st, then filled in to pretty lit. The pond rocks.
04/01/2006 Stage Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Jerry, Luke, Peter K. Barry opted out. Never met up with Jochem & Tyler. Nice slick session. Luke's Area 51 board rocks. Shot the river with Jerry. Super nice!
04/12/2006 WD Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127, Cabal 51 Geoff C, JK, Goldfish, Todd. Light to start, super shallow pond. Picked up later and hit the ocean side, worked on unhooked tantrums on the small kickers in front of the Lighthouse restaurant. No hood or gloves, water is warming up.
04/16/2006 Mayflower Kite Fuel 15, Cabal 51 Jeff, Johan, Todd, Peter, Luke, Phil. Showed up as the wind was dying. Got in about an hour on the skimmy as the tide was rolling in, magical. Heard the wind came up after I packed it in, bummer. Jerry is in Hatteras, I hate Jerry.
04/19/2006 Mayflower Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127, Area51 122 Luke, Geoff, Goldfish. Rainy and cool, but no gloves. Nice lunchtime session. 5th line mod is working very well. Incoming tide with small rollers. Got one nice unhooked indy tantrum off a kicker wave. Luke's new footbeds rock.
04/21/2006 Mayflower Kite Fuel 15, Cabal 51 Brian, Geoff, Todd. Cool and light but enough for the skim and some small wave slashes. Getting the hang of the one handed smack.
04/23/2006 Area 51 Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Santi, Jeff, Brian, Geoff, Johan, Barry. Super nice but a little chilly. Current flats are fun until you lose your board. Thanks Brian for retrieving it. Johan slashed the waves. Very fun. Needs to warm up A LOT...that water is coooold!
04/29/2006 Avon Ocean Kite Fuel 7, Misfit 127 Dennis and The Todd. After the 13 hour all nite drive, we regrouped and downwinded from 1st turnout north of Avon to the Buxton Motel. Biggest waves I've been in for sure
04/30/2006 Avon Sound Kite Fuel 7, Misfit 127 Todd from MD and the Todd. Downwinded from Park Drive to KP. Very litt, gusting to 38mph.
05/1/2006 Waves Sound Kite Fuel 7, Misfit 127 Dimitri, lesson 1. Worked on board offs, too litt after a while to try anything.
05/2/2006 Avon Sound Kite Fuel 11, Misfit 127 Todd, the Todd, Karl, Dimitri, Tony 1st turnout north of Avon to Park Drive. Great downwinder, worked on transitions. Lost a contact.
05/3/2006 SDA Kite Fuel 15 & 17, Misfit 127, Agression barn door Very light wind. But got out on the big gear for a bit. Fuel with 5th line relaunches in nothing.
05/4/2006 Avon Sound Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Todd, the Todd, Karl, Dimitri. Downwinded from Park Drive to KP. Worked on blind. Lightwind skimmy fun afterward.
05/5/2006 Waves & Avon Sound Kite Fuel 15 & 11, Misfit 127 Todd, the Todd, Karl, Dimitri, Jake. Downwinder through Planet ~33 miles and 28mph top speed. Landed blind and passed handle. Spied CJ, retrieved sunglasses. Tried southside, but no wind. Final downwinder KP to Park Drive. Spent!
05/13/2006 Mayflower Kite Fuel 11, Misfit 127 Miguel, Ted, Timmy. Rainy, gusty, offshore wind. Kited 10 minutes. Mental.
05/16/2006 WD Kite Fuel 11, Misfit 127 Luke, Jeff, Geoff, Brian, Scott, Philip,Des (windsurf). Flat but gusty pond; unhooked s-bend kiteloop and high jump with loop, both mistakes but need to add to repertoire. Switched to ocean side, nice waves at rockpile for a bit, boosting old school. Super fun. NO BOOTIES!!!
05/18/2006 WD Kite Fuel 15, Joyride 120, Cabal 51 Jeff K, theTodd, Philip. Got a few runs before it died. Skimboard fun afterwards. 4 HPs in a row, then too dizzy. Philip philled-up his drysuit with air - difficult to kite with Philip as the board. Funny stuff.
05/19/2006 WD Kite Fuel 11, Misfit 127 Jeff, Ted, Peter, Dimitri. Started out a bit underpowered on the ocean side. Switched to the pond. Very nice, super super high tide. Jumped for the camera.
05/30/2006 Hardings, 1st Enc Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127, Cabal 51 Santi, Peter, Jay, Phil, the Todd. Lightwind. Got reprimanded by the guy in the brown suit. Wind died. Somewhat of a redemption at 1st. Landed raley to blind with HPs regularly. Finally getting comfy with those - back to blind next.
06/1/2006 WD Kite Fuel 15, Cabal 51 theTodd, Phil, some others. Strange wind, powered up on tack out, but not on the way back. Tried some more pop skimmy to hand and throw down trannies, but didn't go so well.
06/2/2006 Wacko Bay Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Jim Carswell and I. Wind picked up perfect for the 15. Jim did very well. Raleys to blind with HP near 100% now. Butter slide to HP tranny. Very very nice day.
06/4/2006 Mayflower Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127, JL Surf 5'8" Dennis, Peter. Launched Dennis at 7am, came back at 10:30 to join him. Decent power but very onshore and choppy. Tried his 5'8" Jimmy - interesting ride, see it might take a while to get it dialed. Peter came out just before I had enough. Tired from moving Mike & family.
06/8/2006 Mayflower Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Dennis, Holly, Jeff, Frank. Difficult lightwind and onshore wind/waves. Better past Chapin. Raleys to blind went bad, cept one. Felt pretty good with other stuff, but needing another big breakthrough. Need to ride more! Holly is getting the backroll kiteloops nicely, wants to unhook now...that's when it all goes bad!
06/10/2006 Mayflower Kite Fuel 11, Misfit 127, SRT 5'11" Santi, Ted, Dennis, some chick. Rainy but fun. Side shore wind. SRT is cool, but is taking some getting used to. Santi goes big.
06/11/2006 Chapin Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Super nice morning. Everyone out: Holly, Jeff, Cathleen, Santi, Todd. Other crew showed up late and missed it. JK attempting backrolls. Passed the handle in the air on a few raley-to-blind, learning whirlybird is just holding on after missing the pass. Top 5 day this year for sure.
06/17/2006 vlats Kite Fuel 15, Cabal 51 Ted, Tyler, Miguel, Paul. Light wind til the point then more. Short skimmy session. Tyler's Jimmy Surf is nice!
06/18/2006 vlats Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Jochem, Santi, Miguel, Ted. Nice but strange wind, think the current had a big effect. Sunny, warm day - summer!
06/19/2006 WD Kite Fuel 11, Misfit 127 The Todd, Scott Slater, a few others. Pretty litt on the 11m, good jumping off the small waves in the gust zone on the inside. Short downwinder to S. Village with Todd.
06/23/2006 51 Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Jerry, Luke, Des, Brian, Mike. Nice sesh. Fluky pond but fun, witnessed Mike do 1st mobe. Super mini San Carlos, Jerry got stuffed. Rounded scary buoy, returned moments b4 wind shut down. B. Miller had a Chatham triathlon. Nice day.
06/28/2006 Wacko Kite Fuel 11, Misfit 127 Litt then over litt, but the 11 has great range, especially on flat water! Peter and a bunch of others. Almost rescued a downed GR kite, but to sketchy. Peter had a bit of trouble with his Waroo, but when up was going very high with lotsa hangtime. Had fun with speed runs and jumping.
06/30/2006 Forest Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Possibly the best CC downwinder ever. JE and I- Angry cove, Stage, South Beach. Super nice. Thnx to Brian for getting us. Luke's new skimmy hybrid looks killer.
07/02/2006 Ocean Park, ME Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127, Nobile Skim 10 minutes session at the Bystriski-Dineen summer outing. Super nice spot but flukey side off winds. Sarah launched and landed (thanks)! Pulled the trigger and got 2' of air, so it counts.
07/09/2006 51 Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Super litt. Timmy, Dennis. Dennis needs weed fins, go Weedham. Shuda been on the 11. Hung with Sarah, Kristy and Louisa (Miguel's Mom), nice beach day.
07/14/2006 51 Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Perfect downwinder: Jerry, Peter, Mike, Jeff K, Luke, Des, Brian. Super nice. Perfect on the 15. Went through seal hunting territory. Ended exhausted. Room to spare in the man's van.
07/21/2006 51 Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Foggy downwinder, a bit spooky but cleared to be very sweet. Jerry, Peter, Eman, Holly on the Rocks, Luke, Barry, Brian. Man's van kills it again.
07/22/2006 51 Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Jochem and Santi. Started light, picked up, dropped off, came on strong. Super nice.
07/22/2006 51 Kite Fuel 7, Misfit 127; RRD Wave/4.7 Easy Sails Luke, Des, Brian, Geoff, Jerry, Matt White, Jeff K. Big wind and swell. Paula, Bob, Courtney and Ryan check out kiteboarding. Jerry finds a man-o-war. Dented Jerry's sail on 1st forward attempt in 3+ years (sorry Bill). Helped local sailor who's mast fell over.
07/29/2006 51 Kite Fuel 11, Misfit 127 Scenery wise one of the nicest downwinders ever. Ted, Miguel, Paul, Jochem; Brian at Hardings. Downwinder along the coast. Board off?! Then out to paradise in the west wind. Offshore wind and small waves for the outer beach ride. Jochem & I pedal back.
08/2/2006 51 Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Moronathon. Funny how 4 days ago this downwinder was so good. Luke and Jerry on the DW. Geoff, Brian at the beach. Thunderhead moved in and tried to make it back. Put the kite down after seeing lightning. Run/swim/swat greenheads on the way back. B. Miller saves the day again. Got to drive the man's van!
08/8/2006 Chapin Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127, Nobile skim JE's 40th bday! Nice morning sesh on the incoming tide. Tried the choad, nice lil board.
08/12/2006 Chapin Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Top 10 day for sure. Everyone out. I counted 19 kites in the air at one point. Super super low tide. A bit choppy and onshore, but then went to the secret slick area (not so secret) and had a blast working on stuff solo.
08/22/2006 WD Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Miguel, Peter Kimball. WD open again. Very west, thanks for the help launching, Peter. Miguel on skimmy. Nicer near island. Salivating over pond but too west and low tide. Congrats on 1/2 ironman Miguel.
09/02/2006 Nauset Light Kite Fuel 11, Misfit 127 Jerry, Santi, Jochem, Barry. Downwinder...sidewinder really. Big waves but onshore wind and lots of chop made it an adventure. Jerry aborts at the Inlet. Matt White and Geoff Cabral at the Inlet. NIce guy with son offering refreshments at the RV camp. A mini pond session at the end.
09/04/2006 51 Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Jochem and I, then Ted and Miguel, then Cathleen and Lisa. Super nice session. Pretty litt. Ran the river. Lots of spectators out for the last hurrah. Nice rollers at the launch. Incredibly found the board at the end. One of the best sessions of '06.
09/09/2006 WD Kite Fuel 15, Misfit 127 Kited the pond for a bit, then joined Phil, Jochem, Santi, Des, Luke, Paul, Lisa, Johnny at the seawall. Super nice. Had a few nice tricks but then landed an s-bend kiteloop poorly and hurt my knee. Finished off the knee with a raley-to-blind-to-knee-pop. Waiting to hear just how badly it is injured.
Well, the knee sustained some damage. Possible tear of medial meniscus and of ACL, though not 100% certain. Anyway, the 2006 season has definitely ended for me. Too bad as I was this |...| close to landing a front mobe...ya riiiight.. Peace out.